CfP/CfA events

Digital Practices. Reading, writing and evaluation on the web

Abstract submission deadline

The Basel/Zurich research cluster of SNSF “Digital Lives” projects is organizing a three-day conference on “Digital Practices. Reading, writing and evaluation on the web” at the University of Basel, Switzerland. The conference will take place from June 3rd to June 5th 2020.

In line with our own research, our conference aims to examine digital discourses from the perspectives of Digital Humanities, Literary Studies, and Digital/Computational/Corpus Linguistics. We will explore how adults and adolescents read online and offline, how they write about their reading experiences individually and collaboratively, how lay people in particular appraise, assess and evaluate online, and how we as digital scholars approach, analyze and interpret the data and practices we collect for our research.

Submissions on the following topics are welcome. Please indicate the topic(s) of your contribution by choosing up to three keywords from the following list.

  • Online communities of readers and writers
  • Online experience goods evaluation
  • Reader response studies on absorption during reading
  • Computational linguistic, corpus linguistic and corpus stylistic approaches to reviews and evaluations of (1) books and/or reading, (2) eating, tasting, food and/or restaurants
  • Shared reading/writing on- and offline
  • Topic modeling (in all areas relevant to the topic of the conference)
  • Values of reading and literary criticism
  • Research ethics of big data research in the humanities
  • Research epistemologies of big data research in the humanities
  • Research methodologies (qualitative and quantitative) and tools in Digital Humanities
  • Natural Language Processing for the analysis of digital practices
  • Sentiment Analysis for the analysis of digital practices

We welcome abstract submissions of maximum 300 words for paper and poster presentations. Presentation time for each paper will be 20 minutes followed by a ten-minute discussion.

Deadline for submission: January 17th, 2020 January 31st, 2020
Notifications of acceptance: February 28th, 2020

Please send your name and institutional affiliation, keywords, preference for paper or poster and your anonymized abstract (max. 300 words, excluding references) to the following email address:

Source of description: Information from the provider

Fields of research

Digital Humanities, Reader-response criticism, Digital literature
Computerlinguistik; Korpuslinguistik; Stilometrie; Topic Modelling; Reader Response Studies




Universität Basel
Philosophisch-Historische Fakultät
Digital Humanities Lab
Date of publication: 21.01.2020
Last edited: 21.01.2020